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Jeremy D. Wiss, Esq Injured at the Foxwoods Casino, Lake of Isles Golf Course, or on other Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Land? Did you know that you must bring your lawsuit in the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Courts? You need an attorney admitted to practice in the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court system.
WE ARE ONE OF THE VERY FEW FULL-SERVICE PERSONAL INJURY FIRMS WITH ADMISSION TO THE MASHANTUCKET PEQUOT AND MOHEGAN TRIBAL COURT SYSTEMS.GIVE US A CALL 24/7 AT 631-201-8200The Foxwoods Casino and the Lake of Isles Golf Course are located on Mashantucket Pequot Tribal land. The Mashantucket Pequot Tribe is a federally recognized, sovereign nation. Under state and federal law, the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe enjoys sovereign immunity from lawsuits for injuries occurring on Mashantucket Pequot Tribal land. Like any nation, the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe has a constitution and tribal government. In the Mashantucket Pequot Torts Laws, the tribe grants a limited waiver of sovereign immunity for lawsuits related to injuries occurring at Foxwoods Casino, the Lake of Isles Golf Course, and other locations on Mashantucket Pequot Tribal land (4 M.P.T.L. ch. 1 § 3).

Therefore, your injury lawsuit must be brought in the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court system. You need our full-service personal injury firm with battle-tested attorneys admitted in the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Court system.


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